Optimizing Grant Utilization with EdSolutions Group

Feb 01, 2024

Schools and Districts have many federal and state grant funding opportunities and although increased funding has positive impacts on student learning outcomes, school culture, and family and community engagement, spending awarded funds in allowable, effective, and sustainable ways can be challenging. 

Every grant and funding source has its own qualifying activities for allowable uses, planning documents, requirements for reporting, and budget management. As a school administrator or district leader, these questions may cross your mind:

  • Can these funds supplement or supplant existing initiatives? 
  • Do I need to amend an existing plan?  
  • How can I reallocate funds from what was originally budgeted? 
  • How do I know a strategy is research based and sustainable?
  • When is the deadline to obligate versus spend funds and do I have a strategy to exhaust funds? 

There is no one size fits all solution for grants management, but partnering with an organization that provides customizable solutions and supports is a good place to start. 

EdSolutions Group provides comprehensive support to ensure your school or district is effectively spending State and Federal grant funds to meet funding cycle deadlines with research-based initiatives that fall under allowable uses.

Our flagship solution, “Joyful Leadership Institute” is an engaging professional development program focused on the holistic well-being of staff and students, and is an allowable expense as a part of, but not limited to the following grants.  

  • (ESSER) and American Rescue Plan (ARP)
  • Student Wellness and Success
  • Stronger Connections Grant (SCG)

Additionally, EdSolutions Group can:

  • Assist with revisions/amendments  to required plans which include support and services provided by EdSolutions Group as a school/district stakeholder.
  • Supply data to support effectiveness of initiative towards overall school and district goals and contribute to stakeholder reports, activity reports, and progress monitoring documents. 
  • Provide guidance and resources for budget revisions to reallocate funds in Purchased Services- Professional Development and Support Services categories. 
  • Collaborate on researching and applying for new grant opportunities to sustain current initiatives and fund future solutions. 

EdSolutions Group invites you to attend one of our upcoming webinars where you will learn about customizable solutions with concrete strategies to manage burnout and discover how Joyful Leadership Institute elevates:

  • Educator’s holistic well-being 
  • Student learning
  • District fiscal outcomes

In summary, effective grants management necessitates a commitment to collaboration and organization that schools and Districts often find challenging to achieve independently. EdSolutions Group, with its dedicated team, stands ready to assist in grants management as part of our comprehensive Joyful Leadership Institute package and other solutions.

If you would like a copy of our Federal Grant Fact Sheet,  email [email protected] and put 'Federal Grant Fact Sheet' in the heading. 


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